zaterdag 29 september 2012

Exporting Excel files from command line

Exporting Excel file with POI

Here is a example for exporting the content of a excel file to txt file. The values that are exported are calculated/evaluated, so when a concatenation value like '=A1&B1' is used for a cell it will export the evaluated text.
In case the are references to excel files with data in it like [testdata.xls]testdata'!$B$3 it will also be used for evaluation. For this Apache POI - the Java API for Microsoft Documents is used to open the files and read its values.

The test data

Suppose we creating a test script for logging in to an application. The data will be like username and pass word, the Excel sheet look like this:
A         B
name      value
username  maikel
password  secret
Safe the file as 'data.xls' First we set up simple testcase which will start the application and login. The content of the Excelsheet:
A        B       C          D
action   field   data       toExport
click    login              click(login; )
type     user    maikel     type(user;maikel)
type     pass    secret     type(pass;secret)
click    login              click(login; )
validate message logged in  validat(message;logged in)
Set the worksheet name to 'Testcase' so that we can refer to it later. Safe the file as 'ftg_1.xls'
Note that:
-The value of C3 is a reference to the data.xls!B2
-The value of C4 is a reference to the data.xls!B3
-The value of D2 is a concatenation of A2, B2 and C2 What can do is to extract the values from column D and put them in a text file. After setting the file we start the export by typing in the command line:
java Main
The command line output will be looking like this:
Start search in directory:./test/ExcelSheet with prefix filter:ftg_
>>Processing file:ftg_1.xls
>>Skipping file:testdata.xls
>>StartExport file=ftg_1.xls
click(login; )
>>Finished searching
The output file './TestOutput/ftg_1.txt' is created and contains only the values of third column D.

PART 2 Java implementation

As mentioned poi is used for reading the excel file. The main function is opening the file and reading column D, store it in a string buffer. And write is to the out put file:
private static void exportFile(String filename) {
  System.out.println( ">>StartExport file=" + filename);
  HSSFWorkbook wb = openSample(filename);
  System.out.println(">>numer of sheets=" + wb.getNumberOfSheets());
  String searchSheet=excelProps.getProperty("sheetname", "Testcase");
  HSSFSheet s = wb.getSheet(searchSheet);
  if (s==null){
    System.out.println(">>Not found searchSheet name:" + searchSheet);
  int lastrownum=s.getLastRowNum();
  System.out.println( ">>Last rownumber=" + lastrownum);
  HSSFRow row = null;
  Cell cell = null;
  StringBuffer sb=new StringBuffer();
  for (int i=0;i<lastrownum;i++){
    row = s.getRow(i);
    if (row!=null){
      cell = row.getCell(Integer.parseInt(excelProps.getProperty("colomnnumber", "3")));
      if (cell!=null){
        } catch (RuntimeException e){
          sb.append( "#Poi Extract Excel error: "+ e.getMessage()+" in row=" + (i +1) +"\n");
  //Echo to standard output

vrijdag 28 september 2012

Prettify example page

To enable prettify put these lines in your template before the head section
<link href='' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'/>
<script src='' type='text/javascript'/>
Put the onload met onde the body tag.
<body onload='prettyPrint()'>
It seems to work with the picture template on I had some troubles with the dynamic view, in which it did not seem to work.



# Fibonacci numbers
# Writes an infinite series to stdout, one entry per line
function fib() {
  local a=1
  local b=1
  while true ; do
    echo $a
    local tmp=$a
    a=$(( $a + $b ))

# output the 10th element of the series and halt
fib | head -10 | tail -1

Bash w/ language specified


# Fibonacci numbers
# Writes an infinite series to stdout, one entry per line
function fib() {
  local a=1
  local b=1
  while true ; do
    echo $a
    local tmp=$a
    a=$(( $a + $b ))

# output the 10th element of the series and halt
fib | /usr/bin/*head -10 | tail -1


#include <stdio.h>

/* the n-th fibonacci number.
unsigned int fib(unsigned int n) {
  unsigned int a = 1, b = 1;
  unsigned int tmp;
  while (--n >= 0) {
    tmp = a;
    a += b;
    b = tmp;
  return a;

main() {
  printf("%u", fib(10));

C w/ language specified

#include <stdio.h>

/* the nth fibonacci number. */
uint32 fib(unsigned int n) {
  uint32 a = 1, b = 1;
  uint32 tmp;
  while (--n >= 0) {
    tmp = a;
    a += b;
    b = tmp;
  return a;

void main() {
  size_t size = sizeof(wchar_t);
  ASSERT_EQ(size, 1);
  printf("%u", fib(10));

#define ZERO 0 /* a
  multiline comment */


#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

//! fibonacci numbers with gratuitous use of templates.
//! \param n an index into the fibonacci series
//! \param fib0 element 0 of the series
//! \return the nth element of the fibonacci series
template <class T>
T fib(unsigned int n, const T& fib0) {
  T a(fib0), b(fib0);
  for (; n; --n) {
    T tmp(a);
    a += b;
    b = tmp;
  return a;

int main(int argc, char **argv) {
  cout << fib(10, 1U);

C++ w/ language specified

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

//! fibonacci numbers with gratuitous use of templates.
//! \param n an index into the fibonacci series
//! \param fib0 element 0 of the series
//! \return the nth element of the fibonacci series
template <class T>
T fib(int n, const T& fib0) {
  T a(fib0), b(fib0);
  while (--n >= 0) {
    T tmp(a);
    a += b;
    b = tmp;
  return a;

int main(int argc, char **argv) {
  cout << fib(10, 1U);


package foo;

import java.util.Iterator;

 * the fibonacci series implemented as an Iterable.
public final class Fibonacci implements Iterable<Integer> {
  /** the next and previous members of the series. */
  private int a = 1, b = 1;

  public Iterator<Integer> iterator() {
    return new Iterator<Integer>() {
      /** the series is infinite. */
      public boolean hasNext() { return true; }
      public Integer next() {
        int tmp = a;
        a += b;
        b = tmp;
        return a;
      public void remove() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); }

   * the n<sup>th</sup> element of the given series.
   * @throws NoSuchElementException if there are less than n elements in the
   *   given Iterable's {@link Iterable#iterator iterator}.
  public static <T>
  T nth(int n, Iterable<T> iterable) {
    Iterator<? extends T> it = iterable.iterator();
    while (--n > 0) {;

  public static void main(String[] args) {
    System.out.print(nth(10, new Fibonacci()));

Java w/ language specified(first line shown is line 12)

package foo;

import java.util.Iterator;

 * the fibonacci series implemented as an Iterable.
public final class Fibonacci implements Iterable<Integer> {
  /** the next and previous members of the series. */
  private int a = 1, b = 1;

  public Iterator<Integer> iterator() {
    return new Iterator<Integer>() {
      /** the series is infinite. */
      public boolean hasNext() { return true; }
      public Integer next() {
        int tmp = a;
        a += b;
        b = tmp;
        return a;
      public void remove() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); }

   * the n<sup>th</sup> element of the given series.
   * @throws NoSuchElementException if there are less than n elements in the
   *   given Iterable's {@link Iterable#iterator iterator}.
  public static <T>
  T nth(int n, Iterable<T> iterable) {
    Iterator<? extends T> in = iterable.iterator();
    while (--n > 0) {;

  public static void main(String[] args) {
    System.out.print(nth(10, new Fibonacci()));

# not a java comment
# not keywords: static_cast and namespace


 * nth element in the fibonacci series.
 * @param n >= 0
 * @return the nth element, >= 0.
function fib(n) {
  var a = 1, b = 1;
  var tmp;
  while (--n >= 0) {
    tmp = a;
    a += b;
    b = tmp;
  return a;


Issue 12 - Javascript Regular Expressions

/foo/;  // a slash starting a line treated as a regexp beginning
// this line comment not treated as a regular expressions
"foo /bar/".test(/"baz"/);  // test string and regexp boundaries
var division = /\b\d+\/\d+/g;  // test char sets and escaping of specials
var allSpecials = /([^\(\)\[\]\{\}\-\?\+\*\.\^\$\/]+)\\/;
var slashInCharset = /[^/]/g, notCloseSq = /[^\]]/;

// test that slash used in numeric context treated as an operator
1 / 2;
1. / x;
x / y;
(x) / y;
1 /* foo */ / 2;
1 /* foo *// 2;

// test split over two lines.  line comment should not fool it

x[y] / z;
f() / n;

// test that slash after non postfix operator is start of regexp
log('matches = ' + /foo/.test(foo));

// test keyword preceders
return /a regexp/;
division = notreturn / not_a_regexp / 2;  // keyword suffix does not match

// & not used as prefix operator in javascript but this should still work

extends = /extends/;

Issue 12 - Javascript Regular Expressions w/ language specified

/foo/;  // a slash starting a line treated as a regexp beginning
// this line comment not treated as a regular expressions
"foo /bar/".test(/"baz"/);  // test string and regexp boundaries
var division = /\b\d+\/\d+/g;  // test char sets and escaping of specials
var allSpecials = /([^\(\)\[\]\{\}\-\?\+\*\.\^\$\/]+)\\/;
var slashInCharset = /[^/]/g, notCloseSq = /[^\]]/;

// test that slash used in numeric context treated as an operator
1 / 2;
1. / x;
x / y;
(x) / y;
1 /* foo */ / 2;
1 /* foo *// 2;

// test split over two lines.  line comment should not fool it

x[y] / z;
f() / n;

// test that slash after non postfix operator is start of regexp
log('matches = ' + /foo/.test(foo));

// test keyword preceders
return /a regexp/;
division = notreturn / not_a_regexp / 2;  // keyword suffix does not match

// & not used as prefix operator in javascript but this should still work

extends = /extends/;


class Animal
  constructor: (@name) ->
  move: (meters, loc) ->
    alert @name + " moved " + meters + "m."
  travel: (path...) ->
    for place in path
      @move place.distance, place.location

class Horse extends Animal
  @param name Horse name
  @param jumper Jumping ability
  constructor: (name, jumper) ->
    super name
    @capable = jumper
  step: ->
    alert '''
  jump: ->
  move: (meters, where) ->
    switch where
      when "ground"
        super meters
      when "hurdle"
        super meters if @jump()

# Create horse
tom = new Horse "Tommy", yes

street =
  location: "ground"
  distance: 12
car =
  location: "hurdle"
  distance: 2

Tell him to travel:
1. through the street
2. over the car
### street, car



use strict;
use integer;

# the nth element of the fibonacci series
# param n - an int >= 0
# return an int >= 0
sub fib($) {
  my $n = shift, $a = 1, $b = 1;
  ($a, $b) = ($a + $b, $a) until (--$n < 0);
  return $a;

print fib(10);



def fib():
  a generator that produces the elements of the fibonacci series

  a = 1
  b = 1
  while True:
    a, b = a + b, a
    yield a

def nth(series, n):
  returns the nth element of a series,
  consuming the earlier elements of the series

  for x in series:
    n = n - 1
    if n <= 0: return x

print nth(fib(), 10)

Python w/ language specified


def fib():
  a generator that produces the fibonacci series's elements

  a = 1
  b = 1
  while True:
    a, b = a + b, a
    yield a

def nth(series, n):
  returns the nth element of a series,
  consuming the series' earlier elements.

  for x in series:
    n -= 1
    if n <= 0: return x

print nth(fib(), 10)

/* not a comment and not keywords: null char true */

SQL w/ language specified

/* A multi-line
 * comment */
'Another string /* Isn\'t a comment',
"A string */"
-- A line comment
SELECT * FROM users WHERE id IN (1, 2.0, +30e-1);
-- keywords are case-insensitive.
-- Note: user-table is a single identifier, not a pair of keywords
select * from user-table where id in (x, y, z);


<!DOCTYPE series PUBLIC "fibonacci numbers">

<series.root base="1" step="s(n-2) + s(n-1)">
  <element i="0">1</element>
  <element i="1">1</element>
  <element i="2">2</element>
  <element i="3">3</element>
  <element i="4">5</element>
  <element i="5">8</element>


    <title>Fibonacci number</title>
    <style><!-- BODY { text-decoration: blink } --></style>
    <script src="foo.js"></script>
    <script src="bar.js"></script>
        <dt>Fibonacci numbers</dt>

    <script type="text/javascript"><!--
function fib(n) {
  var a = 1, b = 1;
  var tmp;
  while (--n >= 0) {
    tmp = a;
    a += b;
    b = tmp;
  return a;

// -->

HTML w/ language specified

Fibonacci Numbers

  <dl style="list-style: disc">
    <dt>Fibonacci numbers</dt>

<script type="text/javascript"><!--
function fib(n) {
  var a = 1, b = 1;
  var tmp;
  while (--n >= 0) {
    tmp = a;
    a += b;
    b = tmp;
  return a;

// -->

HTML using XMP

<html> <head> <title>Fibonacci number</title> </head> <body> <noscript> <dl> <dt>Fibonacci numbers</dt> <dd>1</dd> <dd>1</dd> <dd>2</dd> <dd>3</dd> <dd>5</dd> <dd>8</dd> &hellip; </dl> </noscript> <script type="text/javascript"><!-- function fib(n) { var a = 1, b = 1; var tmp; while (--n >= 0) { tmp = a; a += b; b = tmp; } return a; } document.writeln(fib(10)); // --> </script> </body> </html>


    <title>Fibonacci number</title>
  <body onload="alert(fib(10))">
    <script type="text/javascript"><![CDATA[
function fib(n) {
  var a = 1, b = 1;
  var tmp;
  while (--n >= 0) {
    tmp = a;
    a += b;
    b = tmp;
  return a;


    <title><?= 'Fibonacci numbers' ?></title>

      // PHP has a plethora of comment types
      /* What is a
         "plethora"? */
      function fib($n) {
        # I don't know.
        $a = 1;
        $b = 1;
        while (--$n >= 0) {
          echo "$a\n";
          $tmp = $a;
          $a += $b;
          $b = $tmp;
    <?= fib(10) ?>

XSL (Issue 19)

<!-- Test elements and attributes with namespaces -->

<xsl:stylesheet xml:lang="en">
  <xsl:template match=".">
    <xsl:text>Hello World</xsl:text>



// ends with line comment token

User submitted testcase for Bug 4

Javascript Snippets wrapped in HTML SCRIPT tags hides/destroys inner content

<script type="text/javascript">
   var savedTarget=null;                           // The target layer (effectively vidPane)
   var orgCursor=null;                             // The original mouse style so we can restore it
   var dragOK=false;                               // True if we're allowed to move the element under mouse
   var dragXoffset=0;                              // How much we've moved the element on the horozontal
   var dragYoffset=0;                              // How much we've moved the element on the verticle
   vidPaneID = document.getElementById('vidPane'); // Our movable layer'75px';                     // Starting location horozontal'75px';                    // Starting location verticle

The fact that the script tag was not closed properly was causing PR_splitSourceNodes to end without emitting the script contents.

Bug 8 - tabs mangled

If tabs are used to indent code inside <pre> IE6 and 7 won't honor them after the script runs. Code indented with tabs will be shown aligned to the left margin instead of the proper indenting shown in Firefox. I'm using Revision 20 of prettify.js, IE in English and IE 7.0.5730.11 in Spanish.

one	Two	three	Four	five	|
Six	seven	Eight	nine	Ten	|
eleven	Twelve	thirteen	Fourteen	fifteen	|

Bug 14a - does not recognize <br> as newline

int main(int argc, char **argv) {}

Bug 14b - comments not ignored

<!-- There's an HTML comment in my comment -->
<p>And another one inside the end tag</p>

Bug 20 - missing blank lines



Bug 21 - code doesn't copy and paste well in IE


To test this bug, disable overriding of _pr_isIE6 in test_base.js by putting #testcopypaste on the end of the URL and reloading the page, then copy and paste the above into Notepad.

Bug 22 - Line numbers and other non-code spans in code

01: // This is a line of code
02: /* Multiline comments can
03:  * span over and around
04:  * line markers
And can even be interrupted
by inline code annotations
05:  */
06: class MyClass extends Foo {
07:   public static void main(String... argv) {
08:     System.out.print("Hello World");
09:   }
10: }

Bug 24 - Lua Syntax Highlighting


-- Examples from the language reference
     a = 'alo\n123"'
     a = "alo\n123\""
     a = '\97lo\10\04923"'
     a = [[alo
     a = [==[

3   3.0   3.1416   314.16e-2   0.31416E1   0xff   0x56

-- Some comments that demonstrate long brackets
double_quoted = "Not a long bracket [=["
--[=[ quoting out
 [[ foo ]]
 [==[does not end comment either]==]

-- Example code courtesy Joseph Harmbruster
  local function ssgeneral(t, n, before)
    for _, h in ipairs(incs) do
      for i = h + 1, n do
        local v = t[i]
        for j = i - h, 1, -h do
          local testval = t[j]
          if not before(v, testval) then break end
          t[i] = testval; i = j
        t[i] = v
    return t

  function shellsort(t, before, n)
    n = n or #t
    if not before or before == "<" then return ssup(t, n)
    elseif before == ">" then return ssdown(t, n)
    else return ssgeneral(t, n, before)
  return shellsort

Bug 27 - VBScript w/ language specified

Imports System

Class [class]
    Shared Sub [shared](ByVal [boolean] As Boolean)
        If [boolean] Then
        End If
    End Sub
End Class

Module [module]
    Sub Main()

        ' This prints out: ".

        ' This prints out: a"b.

        ' This prints out: a.

        ' This prints out: ".
    End Sub
End Module

Dim d As Date
d = # 8/23/1970 3:45:39AM #
d = # 8/23/1970 #
d = # 3:45:39AM #
d = # 3:45:39 #
d = # 13:45:39 #
d = # 13:45:39PM #

Dim n As Float
n = (0.0, .99F, 1.0E-2D, 1.0E+3D, .5E4, 1E3R, 4D)

Dim i As Integer
i = (0, 123, 45L, &HA0I, &O177S)

Bug 30 - Haskell w/ language specified

-- A comment
Not(--"a comment")

module Foo(bar) where
import Blah
import BlahBlah(blah)
import Monads(Exception(..), FIO(..),unFIO,handle,runFIO,fixFIO,fio,

{- nested comments
 - don't work {-yet-} -}
instance Thingy Foo where
  a = b

data Foo :: (* -> * -> *) -> * > * -> * where
  Nil :: Foo a b c
  Cons :: a b c -> Foo abc -> Foo a b c

str = "Foo\\Bar"
char = 'x'
Not.A.Char = 'too long'  -- Don't barf.  Show that 't is a lexical error.

(ident, ident', Fo''o.b'ar)

(0, 12, 0x45, 0xA7, 0o177, 0O377, 0.1, 1.0, 1e3, 0.5E-3, 1.0E+45)

Bug 33 - OCaml and F#

 * Print the 10th fibonacci number

//// A line comment
"A string";;
(0, 125, 0xa0, -1.0, 1e6, 1.2e-3);;  // number literals

#if fibby
    rec fib = function (0, a, _) -> a
                     | (n, a, b) -> fib(n - 1, a + b, a)
    print_int(fib(10, 1, 1));;

let zed = 'z'

let f' x' = x' + 1

Still TODO: handle nested (* (* comments *) *) properly.

Bug 42 - Lisp Syntax Highlighting

; -*- mode: lisp -*-

(defun back-six-lines () (interactive) (forward-line -6))
(defun forward-six-lines () (interactive) (forward-line 6))

(global-set-key "\M-l" 'goto-line)
(global-set-key "\C-z" 'advertised-undo)
(global-set-key [C-insert] 'clipboard-kill-ring-save)
(global-set-key [S-insert] 'clipboard-yank)
(global-set-key [C-up] 'back-six-lines)
(global-set-key [C-down] 'forward-six-lines)

(setq visible-bell t)
(setq user-mail-address "")
(setq default-major-mode 'text-mode)

(setenv "TERM" "emacs")
(c-set-offset 'case-label 2)
(setq c-basic-offset 2)
(setq perl-indent-level 0x2)
(setq delete-key-deletes-forward t)
(setq indent-tabs-mode nil)

;; Text mode
(add-hook 'text-mode-hook 
  '(lambda ()

;; Fundamental mode
(add-hook 'fundamental-mode-hook 
  '(lambda ()

;; Define and cond are keywords in scheme
(define (sqt x) (sqrt-iter 1.0 2.0 x))

Bug 45 - Square brackets in strings

throw new RuntimeException("Element [" + element.getName() + 
  "] missing attribute.");

Protocol Buffers

message SearchRequest {
  required string query = 1;
  optional int32 page_number = 2;
  optional int32 result_per_page = 3 [default = 10];
  enum Corpus {
    UNIVERSAL = 0;
    WEB = 1;
    IMAGES = 2;
    LOCAL = 3;
    NEWS = 4;
    PRODUCTS = 5;
    VIDEO = 6;
  optional Corpus corpus = 4 [default = UNIVERSAL];

Wiki syntax w/ language specified

#summary hello world
#labels HelloWorld WikiWord Hiya

[ WikiSyntax]

Lorem Ipsum `while (1) print("blah blah");`

   * Bullet
   * Points
      * NestedBullet

  // Some EmbeddedSourceCode
  void main() {
    Print('hello world');

  <!-- Embedded XML -->
  <foo bar="baz"><boo /><foo>

CSS w/ language specified


/** A url that is not quoted. */

HTML { content-before: 'hello\20'; content-after: 'w\6f rld';
       -moz-spiff: inherit !important }

/* Test units on numbers. */
BODY { margin-bottom: 4px; margin-left: 3in; margin-bottom: 0; margin-top: 5% }

/** Test number literals and quoted values. */ A#visited { color: #001123; font-family: "monospace" }
/** bolder is not a name, so should be plain.  !IMPORTANT is a keyword
  * regardless of case.
blink { text-decoration: BLINK !IMPORTANT; font-weight: bolder }

Issue 79 CSS highlighting

<style type='text/css'>
/* desert scheme ported from vim to google prettify */
code.prettyprint { display: block; padding: 2px; border: 1px solid #888;
background-color: #333; }
.str { color: #ffa0a0; } /* string  - pink */
.kwd { color: #f0e68c; font-weight: bold; }
.com { color: #87ceeb; } /* comment - skyblue */
.typ { color: #98fb98; } /* type    - lightgreen */
.lit { color: #cd5c5c; } /* literal - darkred */
.pun { color: #fff; }    /* punctuation */
.pln { color: #fff; }    /* plaintext */
.tag { color: #f0e68c; font-weight: bold; } /* html/xml tag    - lightyellow*/
.atn { color: #bdb76b; font-weight: bold; } /* attribute name  - khaki*/
.atv { color: #ffa0a0; } /* attribute value - pink */
.dec { color: #98fb98; } /* decimal         - lightgreen */

Issue 84 NBSPs


Issue 86

#One Two words

#One Two lines

Two lines
Two lines
#One Two lines

Two lines

Issue 92 -- capital letters in tag names

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<kml xmlns="">
    <name>Simple placemark</name>
    <description Lang="en">Attached to the ground. Intelligently places itself 
       at the height of the underlying terrain.</description>

Issue 93 -- C# verbatim strings

// The normal string syntax
string a = "C:\\";
// is equivalent to a verbatim string
string b = @"C:\";

VHDL mode

library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;

-- A line comment
entity foo_entity is

  generic (-- comment after punc
    a : natural := 42;
    x : real :=
  port (
    clk_i : in  std_logic;
    b_i   : in  natural range 0 to 100;
    c_o   : out std_logic_vector(5 downto 0);
    \a "name"\ : out integer  -- extended identifier

end entity foo_entity;

architecture foo_architecture of foo_entity is
  signal bar_s : std_logic_vector(2 downto 0);
  bar_s <= b"101";

  dummy_p : process (clk_i)
    if b_i = 1 then
      c_o <= (others => '0');
    elsif rising_edge(clk_i) then
      c_o <= "1011" & bar_s(1 downto 0);
    end if;
  end process dummy_p;

end architecture foo_architecture;

YAML mode

application: mirah-lang
version: 1

# Here's a comment
  - url: /red/*
     servlet: mysite.server.TeamServlet
       teamColor: red
       bgColor: "#CC0000"
     name: redteam
  - url: /blue/*
     servlet: mysite.server.TeamServlet
       teamColor: blue
       bgColor: "#0000CC"
     name: blueteam
  - url: /register/*
     jsp: /register/start.jsp
  - url: *.special
     filter: mysite.server.LogFilterImpl
       logType: special
%YAML 1.1
!!map {
  ? !!str ""
  : !!str "value",
  ? !!str "explicit key"
  : !!str "value",
  ? !!str "simple key"
  : !!str "value",
  ? !!seq [
    !!str "collection",
    !!str "simple",
    !!str "key"
  : !!str "value"

Scala mode

/* comment 1 */
comment 2
/* comment / * comment 3 **/
// strings
"Hello, World!", "\n",
`an-identifier`, `\n`,
'A', '\n',
World""", """Hello,\nWorld""",
"""Hello, "World"!""",
"""Hello, \"World\""""

// Numbers

// Values
false, true, null, this;

// Keywords
class MyClass;
package baz;

// From
def act() {
  var pongCount = 0
  loop {
    react {
      case Ping =>
        if (pongCount % 1000 == 0)
          Console.println("Pong: ping "+pongCount)
        sender ! Pong
        pongCount = pongCount + 1
      case Stop =>
        Console.println("Pong: stop")

Go mode

package main  /* Package of which this program is part. */

import fmt "fmt"  // Package implementing formatted I/O.

func main() {
    fmt.Printf("Hello, world; or Καλημέρα κόσμε; or こんにちは 世界\n")  // Semicolon inserted here

/* " */  "foo /* "  /*/  */
/* ` */  `foo /* `  /*/  */
Test IE by copy/pasting content here.

Bash make a choice

Script example of asking the user for input.

Ask for a string value:
echo "Make a choice"
read -p "Whats your name?" -a NAME
Read a string value, wait for 10 seconds.
echo "Is your name $NAME?"
read -t 10 -p "Choice 1 YES, 2 NO:" -a YESNO
check if the YESNO value is set.
if [[ -z $YESNO ]]; then
 echo "YESNO not set exit"
 exit 0
Check the of YESNO
if [ $YESNO -eq 1 ]; then
 echo "Yes: $YESNO"
elif  [ $YESNO -eq 2 ] ; then
 echo "No: $YESNO"
 echo "Unkown choice: $YESNO" 
Whole script:
echo "Make a choice"
read -p "Whats your name?" -a NAME

echo "Is your name $NAME?"
read -t 10 -p "Choice 1 YES, 2 NO:" -a YESNO

if [[ -z $YESNO ]]; then
 echo "YESNO not set exit"
 exit 0

if [ $YESNO -eq 1 ]; then
 echo "Yes: $YESNO"
elif  [ $YESNO -eq 2 ] ; then
 echo "No: $YESNO"
 echo "Unkown choice: $YESNO" 

woensdag 26 september 2012

Bash search logfiles

Bash search logfiles

LogFile example
2012-09-16 19:06:33,450 ERROR [-59] JDBCException ORA-00001: unique constraint (X_UK1) violated
2012-09-16 19:31:39,319 ERROR [-60] JDBCException ORA-00060: deadlock detected (X_UK3) violated
2012-09-16 19:31:39,998 ERROR [-61] JDBCException ORA-00001: unique constraint (X_UK1) violated
2012-09-16 19:41:31,331 ERROR [-62] JDBCException ORA-00001: unique constraint (X_UK2) violated
First option is to grep the lines with ORA-00060:
$ grep ORA-00060 l.log 
2012-09-16 19:31:39,319 ERROR [-60] JDBCException ORA-00060: deadlock detected (X_UK3) violated
Find ORA error strip first part of the line.
$ grep ORA l.log | sed 's/.*ORA/ORA/g' 
ORA-00001: unique constraint (X_UK1) violated
ORA-00060: deadlock detected (X_UK3) violated
ORA-00001: unique constraint (X_UK1) violated
ORA-00001: unique constraint (X_UK2) violated
Search for ORA and count the time they occur.
$ grep ORA l.log | sed 's/.*ORA/ORA/g' | sort | uniq -c
   2 ORA-00001: unique constraint (X_UK1) violated
   1 ORA-00001: unique constraint (X_UK2) violated
   1 ORA-00060: deadlock detected (X_UK3) violated
Search with sed between two dates.
$ sed -n '/^2012-09-16 19:31/p; /^2012-09-16 19:32/q' l.log 
2012-09-16 19:31:39,319 ERROR [-60] JDBCException ORA-00060: deadlock detected (X_UK3) violated
2012-09-16 19:31:39,998 ERROR [-61] JDBCException ORA-00001: unique constraint (X_UK1) violated

dinsdag 25 september 2012

String manipulation with sed

String manipulation with sed

First example

$ echo "Hello world" | sed 's/o/i/g'
Helli wirld

Example with other seperator

$ echo "Hello world"  |sed "s@o@i@g"
Helli wirld

Example with slash forward

$ echo "Hello/ world"  |sed "s@/@.@g"
Hello. world

Example with slash backwards

$ echo "Hello\ world"  |sed "s@\@.@g"
sed: 1: "s@\@.@g": unterminated substitute in regular expression
$ echo "Hello\ world"  |sed "s@\\@.@g"
sed: 1: "s@\@.@g": unterminated substitute in regular expression
$ echo "Hello\ world"  |sed "s@m@.@g"
Hello\ world
$ echo "Hello\ world"  |sed "s@\\\@.@g"
Hello. world

Bash oneline command loops

For loop for osx:

For loop form 1 down to 4.

$ for xx in {1..4}; do echo "Hello world $xx"; done
Hello world 1
Hello world 2
Hello world 3
Hello world 4

For loop form 101 down to 95.

$ for xx in {101..95}; do echo "Hello world $xx"; done
Hello world 101
Hello world 100
Hello world 99
Hello world 98
Hello world 97
Hello world 96
Hello world 95

For with steps

$ for((i=1;i<=10;i+=2)); do echo "Welcome $i times"; done
Welcome 1 times
Welcome 3 times
Welcome 5 times
Welcome 7 times
Welcome 9 times

Work with files

$ for i in *; do echo $i; done

with filter

$ for i in ./*.xls; do echo $i; done
$ DO