id | role | start | stop | host | vmnr |
1 | role01 | no | no | vmhost201 | 1 |
2 | role02 | no | no | vmhost201 | 2 |
3 | role03 | yes | no | vmhost201 | 3 |
4 | role04 | yes | no | vmhost201 | 4 |
5 | role05 | yes | no | vmhost151 | 1 |
6 | role06 | yes | no | vmhost151 | 2 |
7 | role07 | yes | no | vmhost151 | 3 |
8 | role08 | yes | no | vmhost151 | 4 |
9 | role09 | yes | no | vmhost92 | 1 |
10 | role10 | yes | no | vmhost93 | 2 |
11 | role11 | no | yes | vmhost94 | 3 |
12 | role12 | no | yes | vmhost95 | 4 |
# hLookupHeaderIndex1
echo "(hLookupHeaderIndex1 id) :"$(hLookupHeaderIndex1 id)
echo "(hLookupHeaderIndex1 start) :"$(hLookupHeaderIndex1 start)
echo "(hLookupHeaderIndex1 vmnr) :"$(hLookupHeaderIndex1 vmnr)
#(hLookupHeaderIndex1 id) :1
#(hLookupHeaderIndex1 start) :3
#(hLookupHeaderIndex1 vmnr) :6
# vLookup
echo "(vLookup start yes role) :"$(vLookup start yes role)
echo "(vLookup stop yes role) :"$(vLookup stop yes role)
#(vLookup start yes role) :role03 role04 role05 role06 role07 role08 role09 role10
#(vLookup stop yes role) :role11 role12
# sortByTwoColumns
ROLES=$(vLookup start yes role)
echo "(vLookup start yes role) :"$ROLES
echo "(sortByTwoColumns vmnr host role ROLES) :"$(sortByTwoColumns vmnr host role $ROLES)
echo "(sortByTwoColumns host vmnr role ROLES) :"$(sortByTwoColumns host vmnr role $ROLES)
#(vLookup start yes role) :role03 role04 role05 role06 role07 role08 role09 role10
#(sortByTwoColumns vmnr host role ROLES) :role05 role09 role06 role10 role07 role03 role08 role04
#(sortByTwoColumns host vmnr role ROLES) :role05 role06 role07 role08 role03 role04 role09 role10
# vOptions
echo "(vOptions start) :"$(vOptions start)
echo "(vOptions host) :"$(vOptions host)
#(vOptions start) :no yes
#(vOptions host) :vmhost151 vmhost201 vmhost92 vmhost93 vmhost94 vmhost95
function checkCSVTableExists() {
if [[ -z $CSV_FILE ]] ; then
echo "$0 Error: export CSV_FILE=./config/config.template.csv $CSV_FILE"
exit 5
if [[ ! -f $CSV_FILE ]] ; then
echo "$0 Error:CSV_FILE does not exist with name: $CSV_FILE "
exit 10
# Controleer of de CSV_FILE is gezet, anders stoppen
# hLookupHeaderIndex1(name)
# lookup the index value, starting with 1 for the first column.
# Arg1 String Name of the column
# return int index of column
# Example :$(hLookupHeaderIndex1 'testsoort')
function hLookupHeaderIndex1() {
# tolowercase
HEADER=$(head -n1 ${CSV_FILE})
HEADER=$(tr [A-Z] [a-z] <<< "$HEADER")
NAME=$(tr [A-Z] [a-z] <<< "$NAME")
# Check if name in Header
if [[ $HEADER != *$NAME* ]] ; then
echo "$0 Error 1001 hLookupHeaderIndex1 not found: NAME= $NAME HEADER= $HEADER"
exit 1001
PINDEX=$(echo ";"$HEADER";"|sed "s/;$NAME;.*//g"|tr ';' '\n' |wc -l )
echo $PINDEX;
return 0
# vLookup(column match column)
# lookup matching rows and return values.
# arg1 String headername
# arg2 String match
# arg3 String return column
# return String values in matching column
# Example :$(vLookup 'role' 'role11' 'host')
function vLookup() {
ColumnIdx=$(hLookupHeaderIndex1 $1 )
PINDEX=$(hLookupHeaderIndex1 $3 )
while read LINE ; do
VALUE=$(echo $LINE | cut -d';' -f$ColumnIdx )
if [[ $MATCH == $VALUE ]] ; then
echo $LINE | cut -d';' -f$PINDEX
done < $CSV_FILE
# sortByTwoColumns(column1 column2 column_match match_values ..)
# arg1 String sort Column name one
# arg2 String sort Column name two
# arg3 String Column name match value
# arg4-n String match values in sorted order
function sortByTwoColumns() {
Column1=$(hLookupHeaderIndex1 $1);shift
Column2=$(hLookupHeaderIndex1 $1);shift
Column3=$(hLookupHeaderIndex1 $1);shift
AWK='{ print $'$Column1'";"$'$Column2'";"$'$Column3'}' # build AWK statement
GREP=';'$(echo ""$@""|sed 's/ /$|;/g')'$' # build GREP filter
tail -n+2 $CSV_FILE|awk -F';' "$AWK"|grep -E $GREP|sort|cut -d';' -f3
# vOptions(column)
# arg1 String column name
# return choicelist from the specified column
function vOptions() {
PINDEX=$(hLookupHeaderIndex1 "$1")
# skip first line tail -n +2 (start linenumber)
LIST=$(tail -n +2 $CSV_FILE| cut -d';' -f${PINDEX}|sort|uniq)
echo $LIST
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